
15. May 2024 – 19. May 2024 all-day
Oáza srdce hotel
Vršov 19
538 25 Horní Bradlo - Tschechien
~180€ (Confee + Accommodation)

ZodiaCon is international furry convention, being held since 2011 in Czech Republic. The ZodiaCon philosophy is that when you bring furries to one place, they will entertain themselves and there is no need to prepare elaborate formal programming. So it strives to be a friendly con for furries, where everyone can show others what they like.

If you have some idea you would like to show others, we will give you means to do so. We had SIGs about diverse topics, ranging from downhill bycicle racing, ham radio, western horse riding, karaoke, RC car contests, airsoft, czech law, and BDSM to astrophysics.

The name of event is derived from the celestial zodiac, which can be literally translated to Czech language as “the circle of animals”. The circle symbolizes that every furry is welcome, of every species, age, sex, sexual orientation, nationality… Every year has its own mascot, derived from zodiac sign.

The con is bilingual. All official announcements and virtually all SIGs are held both in Czech/Slovak and English.

(Source: zodiaCon)